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    Autophagy Activator

    Autophagy Activator

    Autophagy is the major ‘cleaning system’ of the body. In autophagy the body recognizes damaged cells and recycles them Cellular self-eating modulates immunity and elimination of pathogens via autophagy. Autophagy gets triggered in response to stress like infections, starvation, high exertion or certain compounds such as various phytochemicals. You can promote autophagy with positive stressors such as intermittent fasting, regular sauna, exercise and cold exposure.

    When it comes to positive stressors in nutrition, it appears that the best way to activate autophagy is by fasting. Therefore, water is the best drink in terms of autophagy. However, some herbs have been shown to stimulate the pathways that are activated in autophagy, like AMPK.


    • 2 tbsp cardamom
    • 2 tbsp curcumin
    • 2 tbsp ginger
    • 1 tbsp cinnamon
    • 1 tbsp spirulina
    • ½ tsp black pepper
    • ½ tsp cayenne pepper
    • ½ tsp rosemary
    • ½ tsp cloves

    Mix all the herbs and spices in a large Zip-lock bag or a Mason jar. Stir the blend together and store in a cupboard away from direct sunlight and moisture. Take 1 tsp daily when you are fasting, for example, in the morning. Mix with 3–4 dl hot water. Drink and enjoy slowly.

    comment 1 комментарий

    Joe calendar_today

    The recipe to activate autophagy looks interesting, but is there any science behind why it would do this? For instance, why wouldn’t these ingredients subdue autophagy while fasting, as most other foods would do, rather than activate it?

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