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    Advanced Supplementation for Weight Loss, Muscle Building and Energy Production

    • person Olli Sovijärvi
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    Understanding the right supplements can make all the difference in the quest for optimal health and peak performance. Advanced supplementation strategies offer powerful support whether you aim to shed excess pounds, build muscle, or boost your energy levels. This comprehensive guide delves into the best supplements for weight loss, muscle building, and energy production, backed by the latest scientific research. From the metabolism-boosting effects of green tea extract to the muscle-enhancing properties of creatine monohydrate, discover how targeted supplementation can transform your fitness journey. Master your potential with evidence-based insights into the most effective supplements available today.

    Best Supplements for Muscle Growth and Strength


    Muscle growth and strength are crucial goals for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Proper supplementation can enhance these goals by supporting muscle hypertrophy, recovery and overall performance.

    How to Stimulate Muscle Growth

    Various factors influence muscle growth, including hormones, genetic predispositions and exercise regimes. Understanding these factors can help optimize training and supplementation strategies.

    Advanced Supplementation for Weight Loss Muscle Building

    Pro-Hypertrophic Hormones, Growth Factors and Signals

    Muscle hypertrophy is driven by molecular mechanisms involving growth factors and hormones such as testosterone and IGF-1. These elements enhance muscle protein synthesis and recovery.(1)

    Advanced Supplementation for Weight Loss Muscle Building

    The Effects of Genes on Muscle Growth

    Genetic variations can influence muscle strength and growth:(2)

    • ACE-genotype: Affects skeletal muscle strength.
    • ACTN3 R577X polymorphism: Impacts muscle strength variability.
    • Androgen receptor (AR) GAG-repeat: Influences muscle development.
    • Myostatin-related genes: Minor associations with muscle mass phenotypes.
    • Vitamin D receptor (VDR): Associated with muscle strength in various studies.

    Human Skeletal Muscle Epigenetic Memory of Hypertrophy

    Muscle tissue retains an epigenetic memory of past hypertrophy, enhancing future growth responses. This is also more commonly known as "muscle memory".(3)

    Advanced Supplementation for Weight Loss Muscle Building

    Top 8 Supplements for Muscle Growth

    1. Creatine Monohydrate


    • Increases anaerobic capacity, power output, muscle mass, and body composition
    • Enhances training volume and anabolic hormone levels
    • Improves brain performance and cognitive function


    • Maintenance: 3g per day
    • Loading: 5g x4 for 7 days

    2. Whey Protein


    • It supports muscle growth and strength, reduces body fat, and improves recovery.
    • It enhances whole-body anabolism and reduces inflammation.


    • Whey protein concentrate (grass-fed): Rich in active constituents. Most complete "food"-based protein.
    • Whey protein isolate: Pure protein source, low fat and lactose. Possible problems with protein denaturation
    • Whey protein hydrolysate: Pre-hydrolysed for quick absorption.


    • Typical: 30-50 grams

    3. Essential Amino Acids (EAA) 


    • Maintain muscle tissue, increases protein synthesis and improves recovery and metabolic health.


    • Maximal benefits with 10g single dose, used multiple times per day.

    4. β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate (HMB) 


    • Stimulates protein synthesis, reduces muscle breakdown, decreases muscle damage, and enhances recovery.


    • 3g per day, split into three doses.

    5. Dileucine


    • Potent activator of muscle protein synthesis, faster recovery, and reduced muscle soreness.
    • Effective dose: 2 grams, consumed around workouts.

    6. Beta-Alanine

    • Increases muscle carnosine levels, improves high-intensity exercise performance, and reduces fatigue.
    • 2-5 grams per day, divided doses for best results.

    7. Betaine (Trimethylglycine)

    • Increases growth hormone levels, reduces cortisol, enhances lean mass, and decreases fat mass.
    • Effective: 2 to 5 grams daily, often split into two servings.

    8. Epicatechin

    • Modulates muscle growth by reducing myostatin and enhances blood flow and nutrient delivery.
    • 50-200 mg per day; consistent use for several weeks is recommended.

    Best Supplements for Fat Burning


    Fat-burning supplements can support weight management by enhancing metabolism, increasing energy expenditure and promoting the utilization of fat as an energy source.(18)

    Factors Leading to Excess Body Fat

    Gaining excess body fat is influenced by:(14)

    • Energy balance: Consuming more calories than expended
    • Body composition: Higher fat mass (fat cells are inflamed and predispose to even further weight gain)(15-17)
    • Sedentariness: Low physical activity levels
    • Appetite regulation: Poor control over hunger and satiety (leptin resistance, for example)

    Advanced Supplementation for Weight Loss Muscle Building

    Top 8 Supplements for Fat Burning

    1. Green Tea Extract (EGCG)


    • Increases energy expenditure and metabolism
    • Enhances thermogenesis and fat burning, particularly during exercise
    • It may reduce abdominal fat


    • Effective doses range from 150 to 800 mg of EGCG daily, divided into 2-3 doses

    2. Green Coffee Bean Extract (GCBE)


    • Reduces fat absorption and storage
    • Improves glucose absorption and insulin sensitivity
    • It may increase the resting metabolic rate (RMR).


    • 200-400 mg per day for 1-12 weeks

    3. Grains of Paradise Extract


    • Increases energy expenditure by activating brown adipose tissue (BAT)
    • Reduces visceral fat accumulation
    • It helps prevent weight re-gain


    • 30-40 mg per day, with higher doses (80-160 mg) recommended before exercise

    4. L-BAIBA (L-Beta-Amino Isobutyric Acid)


    • Promotes browning of white adipose tissue
    • Increases energy expenditure, improves insulin sensitivity, and regulates body composition
    • It enhances exercise results and offers benefits without exercise


    • 250-1500 mg per day, with optimal dosage around 500-750 mg twice daily

    5. Gynostemma Pentaphyllum


    • It enhances fat metabolism and activates AMPK
    • Reduces body weight, BMI, and body fat percentage
    • Improves insulin sensitivity and exercise performance


    • 450 mg per day of standardized extract or 3-4 cups of tea daily

    6. Berberine


    • Activates AMPK, enhancing glycolysis and energy metabolism
    • Regulates insulin sensitivity and reduces fat cell growth
    • Increases energy expenditure and promotes favorable gut flora


      • 900-1500 mg per day, divided into several doses – typically 500 mg three times a day
      • Dihydroberberine (Glucovantage) is 5x more bioavailable and 2x longer lasting than berberine.

      7. Morosil Orange Extract


      • Reduces abdominal fat, body weight and BMI
      • Improves glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity
      • Inhibits adipogenesis, reducing overall fat accumulation


        • 400 mg per day for minimum of 3-6 months to see results

        8. L-Carnitine


        • Transports fatty acids into mitochondria for energy
        • Enhances fat utilization and endurance during exercise
        • Positive effects on body weight and BMI in overweight and obese subjects.


          • 2000 mg per day for maximum effect
          • Best forms of L-carnitine are ALCAR (cognition), L-carnitine-L-tartrate & Proprionyl-L-carnitine

          Best Supplements for Energy Production


          Energy production is vital for overall performance and endurance. Supplements that support mitochondrial function and enhance energy metabolism can significantly boost physical and mental performance.

          Aerobic Energy Production

          Enhancing aerobic energy production involves improving mitochondrial function and increasing the efficiency of ATP synthesis.

          Advanced Supplementation for Weight Loss Muscle Building

          Top 5 Supplements for Energy Production

          1. NAD+ Precursors: NMN, Niacinamide and Nicotinamide Riboside


          • Rapidly converted into NAD+, enhancing physical energy and endurance
          • Supports cardiovascular health, cognitive function and healthy aging
          • Activates longevity genes and improves metabolic health


          • NMN: 250-1000 mg per day
          • Nicotinamide Riboside: 250-500 mg per day
          • Nicotinamide: 500-1000 mg per day

          2. Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone)


          • Essential for mitochondrial ATP synthesis, reducing fatigue and enhancing exercise capacity
          • It functions as an effective antioxidant, protecting neurons against oxidative stress
          • Prevents muscle loss in older individuals


          • 30-200 mg per day, with ubiquinol considered more bioavailable from

          3. MitoQ (Mitoquinone Mesylate)


          • Targets mitochondria, reducing oxidative stress and improving energy production
          • It enhances vascular function and reduces exercise-induced mitochondrial damage
          • Improves exercise power and recovery


          • 10 mg per day, with some studies using 20 mg per day

          4. Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)


          • Stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis and functions as an antioxidant
          • It improves energy metabolism and reduces inflammation


          • 10-20 mg daily, often taken with CoQ10 for enhanced effectiveness

          5. L-Ergothioneine 


          • Protects DNA and mitochondrial health and regulates metabolic processes
          • It supports blood sugar and insulin levels, improves mood and cognition, and maintains healthy inflammation levels


          • 5-30 mg per day, well-tolerated in clinical studies


          Incorporating advanced supplementation into your fitness and health regimen can significantly enhance your results, whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or increase energy production. By understanding and utilizing scientifically-backed supplements like green tea extract, creatine monohydrate, and NAD+ precursors, you can optimize your body's performance and achieve your desired outcomes more efficiently. Remember, the key to success lies in combining these supplements with a balanced diet and regular exercise. You can optimize health, strength, and vitality levels with the right approach, paving the way for a healthier and more active lifestyle.

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