(Biohacker's Handbook: Upgrade Yourself and Unleash Your Inner Potential (hardcover, signed)
Biohacking is all about optimizing human performance, health, and well-being by utilizing science, technology and a deep understanding of human physiology and nutrition. Biohacker’s Handbook is the most anticipated health wellness book of the decade. The authors – Olli Sovijärvi, M.D., technology expert Teemu Arina and nutrition expert Jaakko Halmetoja – upgrade the fundamentals of a balanced life: sleep, nutrition, exercise, work, and the mind. What is the 20 % that will lead to 80 % of the results when it comes to optimal well-being? Watch trailer:
A Deep Dive Into Ego-Hacked Art (Hardcover)
Are you feeling stressed or disconnected, struggling to find inner peace in a chaotic world? Discover the transformative power of art and storytelling with "A Deep Dive into Ego-Hacked Art." This extraordinary art book by David Flusberg offers a journey into expanded consciousness and personal growth, inspired by the author's profound experiences. Let the colorful narratives and unique insights help you dissolve ego boundaries and reconnect with your true self.
Biohacker's Handbook: Upgrade Yourself and Unleash Your Inner Potential (hardcover)
Biohacking is all about optimizing human performance, health, and well-being by utilizing science, technology and a deep understanding of human physiology and nutrition. Biohacker’s Handbook is the most anticipated health wellness book of the decade. The authors – Olli Sovijärvi, M.D., technology expert Teemu Arina and nutrition expert Jaakko Halmetoja – upgrade the fundamentals of a balanced life: sleep, nutrition, exercise, work, and the mind. What is the 20 % that will lead to 80 % of the results when it comes to optimal well-being? Watch trailer:
Biohakkerin ravitsemusopas (painettu kirja)
Päivitä ravinteiden saanti optimitasolle Biohakkerin ravitsemusopas on laajin ja kokonaisvaltaisin suomeksi julkaistu eri ravintotekijöitä käsittelevä teos. Tähän oppaaseen on koottu kaikki tarvittava tieto, jonka avulla on mahdollista tasapainottaa elimistön ravitsemustila ja optimoida eri ravintotekijöiden saanti. Ravinnosta ja eri ruokavalioista kirjoitetaan paljon, lisäravinteita syödään monesti mainosten ja suositusten perusteella ja tietoa mitä erilaisemmista ruokavaliosta on saatavilla pilvin pimein. On kuitenkin olemassa vain hyvin vähän systemaattista ja helposti sisäistettävää tietoa siitä, miten eri ravintotekijöiden saantia voidaan päivittää yksilön kannalta ihanteelliselle tasolle.
Longevity Leap by Siim Land (Hardcover)
Have you ever wondered how to live a longer, healthier life while maintaining your vitality? The modern world offers longer life expectancies, but many struggle with maintaining quality of life in those extra years. This book tackles the challenge by guiding you through the latest scientific insights on slowing down the aging process and improving your overall wellness. Discover how you can boost your health and add more fulfilling years to your life.
The Resilient Being: Mastering the Biology of Stress & Resilience (hardcover)
Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges? Do you wish there was a way to become stronger and more resilient? The Resilient Being book is here to help. Packed with the latest scientific insights and practical techniques, this book offers you a roadmap to develop both mental and physical resilience. With advice from medical and technological experts, you’ll discover how to recover quickly, become more immune to stress, and thrive despite adversity. It’s time to rise from the ashes—stronger, smarter, and healthier than ever.
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