Biohacker Center
Advanced Supplementation: Strategies For Weight Loss, Muscle Building and More Energy (Webinar Recording)
Do you struggle with managing your weight, building muscle, or maintaining high energy levels but need help tackling these challenges effectively? In today’s fast-paced world, achieving and maintaining physical fitness and energy is a constant challenge. Many struggle with weight management, musc...
Aivot ja mieli: optimoi aivojesi toiminta ja hyvinvointi (Webinaarin tallenne)
Tunnetko usein aivosumua ja väsymystä, mutta et ole varma, miten voisit virkistää ja parantaa aivojesi toimintaa? Aivosumu ja jatkuva väsymys ovat yhä yleisempiä ongelmia nykypäivän kiireisessä maailmassa. Oletko koskaan miettinyt, miten voisit selättää nämä haasteet ja parantaa aivojesi toimi...
Better Brain: Optimize Cognitive Health with Nutrition & Supplements (Webinar Recording)
Do you often feel brain fog and mental fatigue, but you are not sure how to address it and where to start? Modern life demands mental agility and energy. Yet, many of us struggle with mental fatigue, brain fog, and suboptimal cognitive function. We're running on empty, trying to boost our brainpo...
Beyond Detox: Eliminate heavy metals (Webinar Recording)
Are you frustrated with persistent health issues despite your best efforts, and following the doctors' advice? Are you tired of feeling sluggish, brain fogged and drained, and unable to keep up with your daily tasks? Detoxification is a natural process that our bodies go through every day. Howeve...
Biohacker Center Store Gift Card
Biohacker Center Store gift card Would you like to give your friend or close one a gift card to the Biohacker Center store? They will be able to purchase any products in the store with it. The gift card will be sent to them by email along with instructions on how to use it. Choose the value betw...
Biohacker Summit Video Bundle
Biohacker Summit is the world's largest conference for optimal well-being, performance and health. Now you can get all the lectures from 2016-2024 at a reduced price. A total of 160+ hours of high-quality biohacking, optimum well-being and health from world's leading experts, authors, researchers...
Biohacker Summit Video Recording 2024 Helsinki: Unifying Nature, Science & Technology
Unifying Nature, Science, and Technology This year in Helsinki- we created a truly one-of-a-kind melting pot where modern scientific research meets ancien wisdom, and nature blends withtechnology. NOW you can access all the incredible keynotes and presentations from the comfort of your own home. Invite friends over or listen while commuting—either way, you'll be gaining the REVOLUTIONARY insights and that will make you the smartest person in the room.
Biohacker's Brain Nutrition Guide: Boost Energy, Productivity and Mood (e-book)
162 PAGES OF SCIENTIFIC, PRACTICAL, AND REAL-LIFE TESTED INFORMATION ON BRAIN NUTRITION, SUPPLEMENTS, AND GUT-BRAIN-MICROBIOTA HACKS. The Biohacker's Brain Nutrition Guide dives deep into brain nutrition, cognitive improvement, and disease prevention. Do you want to have better focus at work, have more energy to try a new hobby, or improve your mood? Or are you interested in protecting the brain long-term? This guide will give you concrete and step-by-step to improve your overall brain health through diet and balancing the gut-brain-microbiota axis.
Biohacker's Cholesterol Guide (e-book)
51 PAGES OF PRACTICAL AND SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION ON CHOLESTEROL The Biohacker's Cholesterol Guide clarifies cholesterol-related perceptions and provides a deeper understanding of cholesterol and the interpretation of cholesterol values. If you ever wondered what to believe in the sea of conflicting information about cholesterol, this book is one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date summaries available. The guide also addresses silent inflammation and insulin sensitivity in the body and how to balance these by changing your lifestyle.
Biohacker's Complete Library (Get all the e-books at a discount)
ALL-IN-ONE Get all the Biohacker's e-books with an unprecedented discount! What's included: Biohacker's Handbook Biohacker's Nutrition Guide: Optimize Your Nutrient Intake Gut Mastery: Unlock the Secrets of Optimal Gut Health Biohacker's Brain Nutrition Guide Biohacker's Immunity Guide Biohacker's Guide to Ketosis Biohacker's Cholesterol Guide Our books are designed to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and techniques you need to optimize your health and performance and take control of your own biology. Our expert biohackers cover various topics, from nutrition and exercise to sleep and stress management. In addition to productivity and performance hacks. All e-books to deliver more than you bargained for. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started with biohacking or an experienced biohacker looking to take your skills to the next level, we have a book that's right for you.
Biohacker's Day Glasses - Retro (Blue Light Blockers)
Biohack your vision during daytime! Save your eyes by using Biohacker’s day glasses. Did you know that computer screen, smartphone screen and for example the modern LED lights produce blue light comparable to daylight (aka short wavelength light) that can be damaging to your eyes? If flashing lights or screens on devices are bothering your eyes, Biohacker’s day glasses are here for you. These blue blockers will efficiently prevent too much blue light entering your eyes. Your eyes won't get tired. When you use these during the day while using a phone or a computer your eyes will rest and staring at the screen will not feel as strenuous. Switch to Biohacker's Evening Glasses after the sun goes down.
Biohacker's Evening Glasses - Classic (Blue Light Blockers)
The best Blue Light Blocking Glasses you will ever buy! Optimize your sleep quality by using Biohacker’s evening glasses 1-2 hours before bedtime. Did you know that computer screen, smartphone screen and for example the modern LED lights produce blue light comparable to daylight (aka short w...
Biohacker's Evening Glasses - Elegance (Blue Light Blockers)
The Best Blue Light Blocking Glasses you will ever buy! Optimize your sleep quality by using Biohacker’s evening glasses 1-2 hours before bedtime.
Biohacker's Full Body Panel (red light/NIR photobiomodulation device)
Biohacker's Full Body Panel Faster recovery and relief of muscle pain? A unique full body red light is now available at Biohacker's Online Store to bring energy to your day and boost your recovery. With red light, you get virtually enhanced circadian rhythms and deepened sleep rhythms.This near-infrared lamp has two different LEDs: 660nm (red) and 850nm (near-infrared). These wavelengths are the most studied in the literature for their physiological effects. This is our largest full body panel and equals 4x Biohacker's Redlight Panel in size and power. It is also Dr. Olli Sovijärvi's favorite red light therapy device.
Biohacker's Functional Skincare Kit
Biohacker’s Functional Cosmetics are designed for health-conscious biohackers who strive for optimal health and performance. Each functional skincare product is hand-crafted from the most powerful plants known in the northern natural wilderness and are free from synthetic additives. These wild superheroes are known for their traditional use, science, and efficacy to nourish, protect, and treat underlying skin issues. Great for scratches and wounds from workouts and nature trips, skin conditions, and tough environments like working with sweat, heat, and cold.
Biohacker's Guide to Ketosis (e-book)
Biohacker’s Guide to Ketosis corrects several of the myths, misconceptions, and fears that are associated with ketosis and the ketogenic diet. Ketosis is very natural for the body and part of normal metabolism. In other words, our bodies are “designed” to burn fat for energy and to store excess energy in the adipose tissue. The process is essential, particularly when there is insufficient energy available from food.The ketogenic diet was used to treat epilepsy patients with very promising results until medication revolutionized the treatment and treatment through diet was largely forgotten. In the past 20 years, the ketogenic diet has again become popular and not just for epilepsy. Many clinics, for example, specialize in the strict dietary treatment of epilepsy and other conditions.
Biohacker's Handbook: Upgrade Yourself and Unleash Your Inner Potential (e-book)
The Biohacker’s Handbook is the most anticipated health wellness book of the decade. The authors – Olli Sovijärvi, M.D., technology expert Teemu Arina and nutrition expert Jaakko Halmetoja – upgrade the fundamentals of a balanced life: sleep, nutrition, exercise, work and the mind. Do you want to sleep better? Are you looking for ways to be more productive at work? Or want to find a diet that suits your needs? Biohacking is all about optimizing human performance, health and well-being by utilizing science, technology and a deep understanding of human physiology and nutrition. The Biohacker's Handbook teaches you the 20 % that will lead to 80 % of the results when it comes to optimal well-being.
Biohacker's Handbook: Upgrade Yourself and Unleash Your Inner Potential (hardcover)
Biohacking is all about optimizing human performance, health, and well-being by utilizing science, technology and a deep understanding of human physiology and nutrition. Biohacker’s Handbook is the most anticipated health wellness book of the decade. The authors – Olli Sovijärvi, M.D., technology expert Teemu Arina and nutrition expert Jaakko Halmetoja – upgrade the fundamentals of a balanced life: sleep, nutrition, exercise, work, and the mind. What is the 20 % that will lead to 80 % of the results when it comes to optimal well-being? Watch trailer:
Biohacker's Immunity Guide: Fortifying Yourself Against Pathogens (e-book)
The Biohacker's Immunity Guide is the most comprehensive guide available for natural and technological prevention of infections based on 260+ research articles and references, mainly meta-studies published in the last couple of years.
Biohacker's Nutrition Guide: Optimize Your Nutrient Intake (e-book)
265 PAGES OF HIGHLY VALUABLE INFORMATION AND PRACTICAL NUTRITION TIPS BASED ON THE LATEST SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND AN IN-DEPTH UNDERSTANDING OF VARIOUS NUTRIENTS, DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS, AND ASSESSMENT METHODS. Biohacker’s Nutrition Guide (e-book) is one of the most comprehensive and holistic handbooks on various nutrients and the optimization of their intake. It offers comprehensive information on different foods and dietary supplements. This guide contains all the data you need to balance your nutritional status and optimize the intake of various nutrients.