Online course
Biohacker's Online Course Bundle
ALL-IN-ONE Biohacker's Online Course Bundle Get all the Biohacking Courses with an unprecedented discount! What's included: Optimize Your Gut Optimize Your Lab Results Biohacking Women Fortify Your Immunity Optimized Work-Life Optimize Your Nutrition Biohacking Love & Relationships Culinary Foraging Our courses are designed to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and techniques you need to optimize your health and performance and take control of your own biology. Our expert biohackers cover various topics, from nutrition and exercise to sleep and stress management. In addition to productivity and performance hacks, we focus separately on women as well as on emotional well-being. All our courses are shot in high and pristine quality and come with in-depth articles, materials, and e-books to deliver more than you bargained for. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started with biohacking or an experienced biohacker looking to take your skills to the next level, we have a course that's right for you.
Biohacking Love & Relationships - Online Course
Biohacking Love & Relationships online course 6-week online program for enhancing sexuality, sex, and relationships – the core of your wellbeing Biohacking Love and Relationships online course gives you a private and intimate way to optimize sexual health & sex, reconnect with yourself and others, and take your biohacking to the next level.
Biohacking Women - Online Course
7-week online learning program for women interested in optimizing their sleep, nutrition, work/life balance and hormones with science-based biohacks. There are well-known sex differences in optimizing health. The most optimal diet, exercise and sleep needs of a woman depends on their unique biology and lifestyle. Getting the “health hacks” right requires knowledge, precision and the ability to implement science-based health strategies right for one's unique body.
Culinary Foraging - Online Course with Master Chef Sami Tallberg
Nature’s Free Supermarket at Your Fingertips 5-module online learning program for everyone interested in deepening their knowledge and skills on wild herbs and edible plants. Learn Why, How, and When to forage, improve your nature connection and upgrade your nutrition. Wild edible plants are all around us. Many of them are classified as notorious weeds but a closer look at these vigorous plants proves that they are some of the most nutritious plants on the planet. To eat a versatile selection of wild-grown ingredients is just the best possible food for humans and will reward Your palate, gut, mind, and spirit like nothing else. This course will not just inspire you but teach the fundamentals of foraging, invigorate you with über delicious and biohacker-proof recipes that you just haven’t experienced before.
DNA ja ravitsemus webinaari: Mitä geenisi kertovat ruokavaliostasi?
Mitä jos voisit hyödyntää biologisia tietojasi täydellisen ruokavalion, harjoitusohjelman tai ravintolisäohjelman suunnitteluun? Tiesitkö, että puolet lisäravinteista ei välttämättä tehoa sinuun? Entä jos etsimäsi vastaukset piilevätkin geeneissäsi? Olemme vuosituhansien ajan tehneet karkeasti ruokapäätöksiä, jotka ovat perustuneet lähinnä laajoihin väestosuosituksiin ja epämääräisiin tutkimuksiin. Kuvittele, että tietäisit tarkan ravintoainecocktailin, jota tarvitset optimoidaksesi terveytesi ja pitkäikäisyytesi – eli tietoa, joka on ollut kirjoitettuna DNA:asi koko ajan. Tämä webinaari avaa silmäsi nutrigenomisen testauksen mahdollisuuksille ja sille, miten se voi antaa tietoa jokapäiväisistä päätöksistäsi, joilla voit elää terveellisempää elämää. Saat viimeisimmän tiedon ja käytännölliset keinot, joiden avulla voit luoda yksilöllisen toimintasuunnitelman, joka auttaa sinua saavuttamaan terveystavoitteesi. Ennenkaikkea pystyt olemaan tuhlaamatta rahaa tarpeettomiin ravintolisiin ja toimenpiteisiin, jotka eivät toimi. Toisaalta saat tarkkaa dataa taas juuri niistä asioista, joita sinä tarvitset perimäsi pohjalta.Ota terveytesi hallintaasi yksilöllisen ravitsemuksen avulla!
Fortify Your Immunity - Online Course
Learn how to strengthen your immune system and how to protect yourself against pathogens in eight days. Now is the best time to fortify your immune system against pathogens. The Biohacker's Fortified Immunity Online course is a comprehensive research-based guide for natural, nutritional, and technological prevention against potential pathogens. This course is mainly focused on the general fortification of the immune system against common pathogens. All methods presented in this course are based on scientific studies and references. SPECIAL OFFER: With every online course purchase- you will get our best-selling Flu Guide e-book for FREE. All you need to do is to order the course, and you will receive the e-book in your order confirmation.
Hidasta ikääntymistä: Parhaat keinot terveiden elinvuosien lisäämiseen (webinaarin tallenne)
Oletko huolissasi terveydentilastasi pitkällä aikavälillä? Haluaisitko elää pitkään, mutta hyvässä kunnossa ja terveenä? Ainutlaatuinen webinaarimme opettaa sinulle tehokkaimmat tavat pitkäikäisyyteen. Nämä tavat perustuvat tieteeseen, ja ne on suunniteltu niin, että ne voidaan integroida saumattomasti päivittäisiin rutiineihisi, mikä auttaa sinua paitsi elämään pidempään, myös elämään paremmin.
Optimize Your Gut - Online Course
Are you feeling bloated, struggling with fatigue and experiencing skin issues? Optimize your gut is the perfect course for you! See the full details of the course here. Find the Perfect Balance for Your Gut Optimize Your Gut Course is one of the most comprehensive and effective science-based gut optimization online learning courses available to date. Dr. Olli Sovijärvi (M.D.) has compiled on this 7-week course following the Pareto principle – 20 % of the information that produces at least 80 % of the results – so you don’t need to do it yourself.
Optimize Your Lab Results - Online Course
Are you bewildered by your lab results? You will acquire information about your blood levels and learn how to optimize your well-being. Optimize Your Lab Results Course will provide you with a deeper understanding of various lab results and the lifestyle factors associated with them. The practical Optimize Your Lab Results Online Course will show you how to decipher lab results. You will understand the impact of lifestyle choices and nutrition on blood levels. Dr. Olli Sovijärvi, M.D., will be guiding you. Understand your blood test results Plan your lifestyle changes Modern health care means treating illnesses. Lab tests are generally used to find illness, not health. We wanted to create a service based on preventive health care. It is therefore focused on preventing illness and promoting well-being.
Optimize Your Nutrition - Online Course
Optimize your Nutrition Online Course is a revolutionary 6-week online course on building a personalized, nutrient-optimized diet. Crafted by a functional medicine doctor, this course provides the modern tools to achieve optimal nutritional balance and create a lifestyle where you are the conscious guardian of your health. Unlock the path to optimal health and well-being with the Optimize Your Nutrition Online Course from Dr.Olli Sovijarvi. Dive deep into the nutritional factors that affect our body’s physical and mental state, exploring how to build sustainable dietary habits for better overall health for years to come.
Optimized Work-Life - Online Course
Optimized Work-Life Course An intensive 6-week program to optimize your work, recovery, sleep, nutrition, and biomechanics in order to maintain peak energy, mood, and focus without compromising your health and well-being. Learn everything you need to know to optimize your day in the guidance of top experts in optimal human performance and "biohacking" (as in optimizing your health & performance with data and science). Gain a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms of your biology and patterns of behavior to take your typical workday to a new level. Learn techniques to improve your physical & mental performance, speed up recovery, prevent injury & sickness, and get more done.